Frozen Birthday Party!
My Niece Aubrie had a Frozen Birthday party over the summer and of course I was super excited to help out! I made the candy buffet labels, olaf treat bags, snow playdough, and paper crowns for the kiddos to make.
Here is the
gift I got for Aubrie. A beautiful cape inspired by Elsa's from Frozen
with her name embroidered on it, plus a golden grown!:
Cupcakes and cake made by my mother-in-law:
The kiddos making crowns. I bought the paper crowns and sticker jewels at AC Moore:
The beautiful bday girl wearing her new cape and crown we got her:
The whole spread
"Do You Want to Build A Snowman?" Treat bags I made: used pretzels, candy corn, marshmellows, candy eyeballs, and chocolate chips
The Candy Buffet Table Labels I made using cardstock and winter stickers:
White playdough I made with lots of sparkles to make snow for the kiddos to play with. I brought over winter cookie cutters for them to use. They loved it.

The crown supplies I bought: |
The white playdough I made using lots of sparkles. I brought over winter cookie cutters for them to make wintery things. They loved it! They also enjoyed making their own individual crowns!