So honored to be featured on one of my favorite kids activity blogs! Our fun with making and playing with Magic Bean Soup.
Check it out on My Bored Toddler at the link below and make sure to follow My Bored Toddler on all her platforms.
Saturday, July 4, 2020
Monday, June 8, 2020
Animal Toddler Activities
We did a unit on animals in our house that was a lot of fun. Check out our activities
I changed up a nook in our living room to include all animal toys.
Animals books I keep displayed in our play area.
🐘Animal Parade🦒
I just used some butcher paper, tape, and animals for this one. I made two “parade routes” and B and I raced to see who could get their animals to the finish line first. This is a great one for, fine motor skills, spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination. Thanks @busytoddler for the idea.
🦓Animal Cracker Math🐘 B had fun practicing number recognition, counting, sorting/graphing, & of course eating her animal crackers
Check out Preschool play and learn for printable
🦍Mini Animal Habitat Sensory Bins 🐳
I just used recycled take-out containers to make these little habitats for a fun small world role-play to learn about animals. These are perfect to store & quickly pull out if you don’t want to make a whole big bin and a life savor when out and about (can’t wait for that!). Also, perfect for when you just need a few minutes to yourself. I bring these to restaurants & doctor appointments for B to keep busy while waiting.
✨Animal Shelter/Veterinarian Pretend Play✨.
We set up this fun little dramatic play area this am with just stuffed animals and a doctor kit. Printables from @prekpages. B loved taking care of all the pets and helping them to feel better. 💓
💦Muddy Animal Wash 💦
This was a fun one to do outside. I just set up some potting soil in one bin with animals and then added dish soap to our water table along with some paint brushes, sponges, and spray bottle. First B got the animals dirty in the “mud” and then washed them off in the soapy water. She loved this activity. For a taste safe version use chocolate pudding for the mud.
✂️🦁Rescue the Animals🐆✂️
This is a fun fine motor skills practice for little ones. One we did was with washi tape wrapped around the animals and Brooke had to practice her scissor skills to cut them free. Make sure to leave space between the tape and animals so they can slip the scissors through. ➖The other is a great one for littles not yet ready for scissors. Just tape animals down to a cookie sheet and have them free the animals from the tape. It’s a lot of work to get the animals loose and get the tape off those little fingers. B loves anything with tape and scissors so this was right up her alley. @busytoddler idea for the #momwin

Earth Day Activities
Our Earth Day Activities:
🌍 Earth Day Sensory Play🌍
We first talked about taking care of animals on our planet. Then we talked about which animals live in the ocean and which live on land. I then just divided the bin in half with tape and added shaving cream with blue and green food coloring. Brooke then sorted the animals into their “habitats”. This gets messy but it was so fun. 💙
♻️Recycled Items Playdough Tray♻️
Putting those squeeze pouch caps to good use 🌍
🌍Happy Earth Day! 🌍
To celebrate the official day of Earth Day we read “Not a Box”, which is such a cute book about using your imagination and letting kids simply just play. The bunny in the story creates all kinds of fun things with just an empty box. I took out a box we had and let B decide what she wanted to make and let her go to town decorating it. She said she wanted to make “a fort” and it ultimately became a nice little reading nook.
🕊Bird Feeders🕊
we made some with tp rolls, peanut butter, & bird seed and the other with just pipe cleaners and Cheerios

Sunday, April 19, 2020
Cancer Diagnosis while Pregnant
Bump and life update:
I know another c word that no one wants to hear that they have from their doctor right now— cancer.
Yep, I got that phone call from my doctor on a Monday morning over a month ago, right as our state was shutting everything down.
At one of my first prenatal appointments for my current pregnancy, the nurse felt my neck and noticed I had a lump. She suggested I get an ultrasound on my thyroid to check on it. She explained that pregnancy is often associated with changes in thyroid hormone levels and can increase the size of the thyroid gland. I honestly, wasn’t worried. I assumed it was just all the hormones and I’d be fine. Fast forward to about a month later- I had an ultrasound and they found a good size nodule. They referred me to an endocrinologist (hormone specialist) who performed a biopsy on my lump. A few days later, I got “the call”. I don’t remember exactly what he said, it’s all a blur, but it was along these lines- “Kimberly, I’m so sorry to tell you but the biopsy came back as positive- you have cancer.” It was gut-wrenching. With all the craziness of what was going on in the world and being pregnant, I lost it that morning- I was the true definition of a basket case. I allowed myself to be upset and feel all the feels for a while but then I pulled myself together for my toddler, because what else can you do when you have a little one who depends on you? You just have to keep moving forward. I honestly haven’t allowed myself to think about my cancer diagnosis too much and I haven’t researched it extensively because I just can’t -not yet. I will when the time feels right for me to soak it all in.
What I do understand is that I was diagnosed with Papillary thyroid cancer. It’s the most common type of thyroid cancer. The treatment is to remove my thyroid and if I wasn’t pregnant they would go ahead with that now, but as long as it isn’t growing and spreading we are holding off until after baby girl arrives. As of now, I wait and take thyroid hormone pills to hopefully stop the spread. My latest scan last week showed no growth since my first ultrasound, so that is great news. If there is any growth my doctor wants to do surgery before I enter the 3rd trimester next month. So please say a little pray with me that my next scan in a few weeks also shows no growth.
Luckily, many who have this type of cancer do very well after surgery and only need to take thyroid medication for the rest of their lives with no other invasive treatment. I am choosing to stay positive and focus on that outcome and not all the other scary things that can happen with a cancer diagnosis. I am choosing to hold on to hope that I will deliver a healthy baby girl and still beat this cancer.
I have to stay strong for the little extra heart I have growing inside me and the 3 year old one that walks around on the outside 💓💓.
I’m sharing all this as a way to inspire you to hold your loved ones close. Tomorrow is never promised.
Reach out to those you haven’t talked to in a while, reconnect, write your loved ones, check in on friends, neighbors, truly present with those around you.
Don’t take your health or the health of others around you for granted.
I’m holding on to the wisdom of my 3 year old when she saw me crying, “take a few deep breaths and think happy thoughts”. She may of got this from a Fancy Nancy episode but it’s my new favorite motto. 🙏💙

Thursday, April 16, 2020
Cooking Sensory Bin/ If you Give a Cat a Cupcake
If you read her “If You Give a Cat a Cupcake”... she’ll want to make her own cupcakes & play in a cooking cloud dough sensory bin 🧁 🐱🧁🐱•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
2 ingredient cloud dough recipe (toddler/ taste safe): 8 cups plain flour & 1 cup cooking oil (any kind). Place the flour and oil in a container/bin.
Mix together. Start with a spoon, but you will end up mixing it with your fingers. Creates a fun sand like consistency. Can store and use again. We added lots of cooking items to our bin but you can add any thing your kiddo is interested in. 🧁🧁

Tuesday, April 14, 2020
ABC Ocean Bin
🐠🐳ABC Ocean Bin🐳🐠I just added blue food coloring to water, shells, ocean figurines, and the alphabet rocks we used in our construction bin a while back. B scooped out the rocks & matched them on an alphabet mat I printed & put in a sheet protector to stay dry. Easy activity that kept her busy on this stormy day 🐟

Fruit Loop Math
🌈 Fruit Loop Math 🌈
Fun, hands on way to practice counting, sorting, patterning, & comparing.
🌈For rainbow ten frame: Kiddos will look at the number on each card and practice counting out the correct number of fruit loops and putting them in the ten frame.
🌈Graph Activity: simply have kids stack up how many of each color fruit loop they have. Discuss which was color has the most, least? Can use playdough and angel hair pasta or this printable from @prekinders: {}
Fun, hands on way to practice counting, sorting, patterning, & comparing.
🌈For rainbow ten frame: Kiddos will look at the number on each card and practice counting out the correct number of fruit loops and putting them in the ten frame.
🌈Graph Activity: simply have kids stack up how many of each color fruit loop they have. Discuss which was color has the most, least? Can use playdough and angel hair pasta or this printable from @prekinders: {}

Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Flower Shop Dramatic Play at Home
🌸 💐 🌹 Brooke’s little Flower Shop is open for business 🌹💐🌸
The dramatic play area in my classroom was always the favorite spot so I wanted to make something like that for B at home. I set up this little flower shop using items we had around the house (fake flowers, market stand, cash register). But you could set something like this up in any corner in your home with items you have already. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
For example, if you have a ton of stuffed animals make a zoo or vet office; if you have play food make a grocery store. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
A lot of the printables I had from my preschool days & are buy only now but I did find this “get well” card you could add to your littles shop {}
Switching up items you already have at home can make a big difference in getting your kiddo engaged in play. For instance, already have a play kitchen at home? Turn it into a bakery with a few kitchen items you have on hand already and handmade signs. I was shocked to see how long B played in her flower shop this morning! #momwin #preschooldramaticplay
The dramatic play area in my classroom was always the favorite spot so I wanted to make something like that for B at home. I set up this little flower shop using items we had around the house (fake flowers, market stand, cash register). But you could set something like this up in any corner in your home with items you have already. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
For example, if you have a ton of stuffed animals make a zoo or vet office; if you have play food make a grocery store. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
A lot of the printables I had from my preschool days & are buy only now but I did find this “get well” card you could add to your littles shop {}
Switching up items you already have at home can make a big difference in getting your kiddo engaged in play. For instance, already have a play kitchen at home? Turn it into a bakery with a few kitchen items you have on hand already and handmade signs. I was shocked to see how long B played in her flower shop this morning! #momwin #preschooldramaticplay

Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Color Mixing Tea Party
Color mixing tea party ☕️. I just used a tea set and added colored water to a bin and let B explore. If you don’t have a tea set- you can use cups, bowls, spoons, whatever you have around the house to let them scoop, mix, & pour. This lasted a solid hour in our house- highly recommend!

Dinosaur Day
Simple dinosaur sensory bin (lentils, plastic dinosaurs, and dinosaur Easter eggs)
D is for Dino art project
Counting dinosaurs with a Dino parade

ABC Easter Egg Hunt
🔠Alphabet Easter Egg Hunt 🔠 with hardly any prep- I just grabbed an alphabet puzzle & some plastic eggs.
Here’s what you need: alphabet puzzle and Easter eggs. If you don’t have an ABC puzzle you can cut out letters (see below for printable).
Put the letters inside the plastic eggs. Hide the eggs around the house. Encourage your child to “hunt” for the hidden eggs, opening them each up to reveal what letter is inside. Have your child match the letter inside the egg to the letter on the puzzle board. Brooke also circled the letters as she found them.
She loved this game and it kept her busy for a long time. So much you can do with Easter eggs. I will switch it up with numbers, letters, shapes.

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