Bump and life update:
I know another c word that no one wants to hear that they have from their doctor right now— cancer.
Yep, I got that phone call from my doctor on a Monday morning over a month ago, right as our state was shutting everything down.
At one of my first prenatal appointments for my current pregnancy, the nurse felt my neck and noticed I had a lump. She suggested I get an ultrasound on my thyroid to check on it. She explained that pregnancy is often associated with changes in thyroid hormone levels and can increase the size of the thyroid gland. I honestly, wasn’t worried. I assumed it was just all the hormones and I’d be fine. Fast forward to about a month later- I had an ultrasound and they found a good size nodule. They referred me to an endocrinologist (hormone specialist) who performed a biopsy on my lump. A few days later, I got “the call”. I don’t remember exactly what he said, it’s all a blur, but it was along these lines- “Kimberly, I’m so sorry to tell you but the biopsy came back as positive- you have cancer.” It was gut-wrenching. With all the craziness of what was going on in the world and being pregnant, I lost it that morning- I was the true definition of a basket case. I allowed myself to be upset and feel all the feels for a while but then I pulled myself together for my toddler, because what else can you do when you have a little one who depends on you? You just have to keep moving forward. I honestly haven’t allowed myself to think about my cancer diagnosis too much and I haven’t researched it extensively because I just can’t -not yet. I will when the time feels right for me to soak it all in.
What I do understand is that I was diagnosed with Papillary thyroid cancer. It’s the most common type of thyroid cancer. The treatment is to remove my thyroid and if I wasn’t pregnant they would go ahead with that now, but as long as it isn’t growing and spreading we are holding off until after baby girl arrives. As of now, I wait and take thyroid hormone pills to hopefully stop the spread. My latest scan last week showed no growth since my first ultrasound, so that is great news. If there is any growth my doctor wants to do surgery before I enter the 3rd trimester next month. So please say a little pray with me that my next scan in a few weeks also shows no growth.
Luckily, many who have this type of cancer do very well after surgery and only need to take thyroid medication for the rest of their lives with no other invasive treatment. I am choosing to stay positive and focus on that outcome and not all the other scary things that can happen with a cancer diagnosis. I am choosing to hold on to hope that I will deliver a healthy baby girl and still beat this cancer.
I have to stay strong for the little extra heart I have growing inside me and the 3 year old one that walks around on the outside 💓💓.
I’m sharing all this as a way to inspire you to hold your loved ones close. Tomorrow is never promised.
Reach out to those you haven’t talked to in a while, reconnect, write your loved ones, check in on friends, neighbors, family...be truly present with those around you.
Don’t take your health or the health of others around you for granted.
I’m holding on to the wisdom of my 3 year old when she saw me crying, “take a few deep breaths and think happy thoughts”. She may of got this from a Fancy Nancy episode but it’s my new favorite motto. 🙏💙